The Children of Helping Hands India

It started with ten….

George Fernandes took ten children into his home in his early twenties and never looked back. Born and raised in the slums of Jeevanahalli, he was familiar with the extreme needs of the people in his community and felt compelled to do what he could to help. While caring for these children along with his own young family, he attended seminary and higher education and planted the first of many churches. 

Helping Hands India now cares for 151 children in three children’s homes (two in Bangalore and one in Bhadrachalem) and three Children’s community centers (Ambhur, Raybagh and Khanadala) where they are provided food, clean water, clothing, education and spiritual nourishment. When financially able, Helping Hands India is able to provide Christmas gifts, parties and special outings so that these children can feel loved and cherished despite their circumstances. 

New Hope Children’s home opened in 2007 in the outskirts of Bangalore. The house pictured here is now an all male residence, acting as full time home to 33 boys and young men. Nearby, an apartment is currently the female residence, housing 9 girls and young women.


Bhadrachalem Children’s Home c. 2011


Bhadrachalem Children’s Home c. 2020.