New Hope Widows Home


The plight of widows in India is overwhelming. There are an estimated 40 million widows living well below the poverty level in India. When their husband dies, many widows are considered a financial strain on the family and are outcast and shunned by both their immediate families and society. Forced to live in decrepit ghettos, many elderly widows are left to fend for themselves. Although a mere 28% of widows should receive support from the government, a only 11% actually receive financial aid. Young widows are also left to their own devices while trying to care for their children in subhuman standards.


The New Hope Widows Home was dedicated on January 9, 2014.  It is located in the slums of Jeevanahali in Bangalore.  This is the slum where Pastor George grew up and has returned to help his community.  The home consists of one common room, a kitchen, two bathrooms, and two bedrooms.  Five elderly widows live there permanently and are taken care of, while the remaining twenty-six widows in the ministry come to the home for three meals a day.  The women are also able to bring their children each day for meals and Christian education.  God has answered our long-standing prayers of establishing a home for these women who have been ostracized by their families.  It is estimated that the cost of maintaining the home will be between $1,300-1,400 per month.  This amount covers rent, food supplies, and staff salary.


Support a Widow

For $50 a month you can support a widow by providing her with three meals a day, medical needs, transportation, clothing, job and spiritual training.  You may choose a particular widow and correspond with her.  You will also receive a photo on a yearly basis.  Be blessed and be a blessing to a destitute widow in India.